Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction(구연) Oral Session 2 / Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction (O-018)
Crystal A (3F)
11월28일(수) 13:00-14:00
한국에서 사회경제적 지위에 따른 첫성경험나이의 변화
서울대학교 의과대학 보라매병원 비뇨의학과
박주현, 유상준, 조성용, 조민철, 정현, 손환철
In Korea, preceding reports about sexual debut were especially focused on adolescence. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship between the sexual debut age and social economic status (SES) in more various age groups.
The main source of this study was based on the four domestic internet surveys which were responded by sexually active males and females. Each survey was conducted in 2006 (n=334, aged 20-69), 2016 (n=900, aged 20-69) for male and in 2004 (n=460, aged 20-49), 2014 (n=516, aged 20-59) for female.

The mean sexual debut age of males was 22.9 ± 4.3 in 2006, and 21.9 ± 3.7 in 2016. In case of males in 2006, the lower sexual debut age were associated with lower level of education (β = 0.187, p-value = 0.002) and younger age (β = 0.159, p-value = 0.024). Meanwhile there was marginal significance between sexual debut age and higher income (β = -0.73, p-value = 0.052). In 2016, the lower sexual debut age of male were related with lower level of education (β = 0.221, p-value < 0.001) and younger age (β = 0.131, p-value = 0.002).

The mean sexual debut age of females was 21.9 ± 2.6 in 2004, and 20.4 ± 2.0 in 2014. In case of females in 2004, the lower level of education (β = 0.261, p–value < 0.001), younger age (β = 0.381, p-value < 0.001) and higher income (β = -0.168, p–value = 0.039) were associated with lower sexual debut. In 2014, the lower sexual debut of female were related with lower level of education (β =0.120, p–value = 0.007) and younger age (β =0.139, p–value = 0.014).

In the interval analysis between 2006 and 2016 males study, the sexual debut age were significant younger in 30s-50s age groups of 2016 study. (30s: 23.3 vs. 21.7, p-value = 0.002, 40s: 24.4 vs. 22.7, p-value = 0.006 and 50s: 23.3 vs. 22.2, p-value = 0.026). In females, the interval analysis between 2004 and 2014 study, the sexual debut tended to be younger in latter study in all age groups (20s: 21.2 vs. 19.9, p-value < 0.001, 30s: 22.9 vs. 20.4, p-value < 0.001 and 40s: 22.8 vs. 20.8, p-value<0.001)

The sexual debut age was significantly associated with level of education, age and income in both male and female study. Recent studies demonstrate that the sexual debut age tends to decline gradually. The sexual education program that reflects these social trends should be established.
keywords : Sexual debut age, Social economic status, internet survey
