Pediatrics(구연) (NP-021)

소아야뇨증 환아에서 야뇨경보기치료로 완전 호전이 된다면 재발은 거의 없다.
성균관의대 삼성서울병원
성시현, 변혜진, 백민기
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The criteria of complete response by 2014 international children’s continence society (ICCS) (100% reduction of wet night) after nocturnal enuresis treatment is stricter than before (90%). We present our experiences of enuresis alarm (EA) treatment for nocturnal enuresis (NE) children focused on the relapse after complete response according to ICCS 2014 criteria.
METHODS: We investigated retrospectively the clinical outcomes of patients treated with EA for NE from March 2015 to March 2018. Patients’ characteristics were reviewed as followings; age, gender, monosymptomatic NE (MNE) or non-MNE, previous treatment history, frequency of NE per week, constipation. The treatment outcomes were reviewed in terms of efficacy and relapse. Efficacy was categorized by the 2014 ICCS criteria as the followings and checked at 1, 2, 3 months after treatment; non-response (NR), <50% reduction; partial response (PR), 50-99% reduction; complete response (CR), 100% reduction of wet night. Relapse was defined as the reappearance of more than one wet night per month.
RESULTS: A total of 118 patients were initially prescribed EA. Seventy-one (59%) did not use EA or were lost to follow-up, thus 47 (41%) patients were included in the final analysis. The median age of the patients was 8 years (range from 5years to 14.5 years). Twenty-five (53%) were boys. Thirty-eight (81%) were MNE patients. The median frequency of NE was 6.0 per week. Constipation was combined in 3 (6%) patients. The efficacy was as follows; NR 53%, PR 40%, CR 7% at 1month; NR 34%, PR 38%, CR 28% at 2month; NR 26%, PR 34%, CR 40% at 3month after treatment. There was no relapsed patient after CR.
CONCLUSIONS: The compliance after EA prescription was low. The efficacy of enuresis alarm for NE was reasonable; the CR and PR after 3-month of EA treatment for NE were 40% and 34%. The relapse rate was zero after CR.
keywords : nocturnal enuresis, alarm, response
