Pediatrics(구연) Oral Session8 / Pediatrics (O-083)
10월 30일(수) 16:00-17:00
요역동학 검사 중 심박동 및 방광의 impedance 변화 측정 - 전향적 연구
¹연세대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터학과
²연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공확과
³연세대학교 의과대학 비뇨의학교실
이상엽¹, 이태호¹, 문전형¹, 신승철², 황지혜³, 이경우¹, 이용승¹
Measuring urinary bladder capacity is helpful for diagnosis and treatment in patients with voiding dysfunction. Bladder impedance could be measured continuously with non-invasive and lower cost instrument in everyday life. We performed prospective study to measure the bladder impedance during urodynamic study to correlate the change of impedance with the change of bladder volume.

Total 30 children (5 to 12 years old) were included in this prospective study. During filling phase of urodynamic study, bladder impedance was measured continuously with equipment we developed previously. The sensor uses two dry electro-nodes as a belt type to collect body impedance (BI) and electrocardiogram signals. Patients wear the sensor on the abdomen in order to catch the change of the resistance by the bladder volume with the BI signal.

Among 30 patients (16 boys and 14 girls), BI was successfully measured in 27 patients. The initial value of bladder impedance was varied from 1800 to 2200 ohm. Bladder impedance was decreased in median 4.5% from their initial value as bladder was filled with saline to their maximal cystometric capacity in 21 patients. In 6 patients, bladder impedance showed almost no change. Their Heart rate was simultaneously measured and revealed increase during late filling phase.

BI measurement can measure bladder volume change continuously with cheaper device. However, baseline BI value differs from patient to patient, making it difficult to have common criteria. The ability to measure in the voiding phase should be further investigated.
keywords : Urodynamic study, heart rate, bladder impedance
