Incontinence & Female Urology & Neurourology(구연) (NP-014)

여성하부요로증상에서 알파차단제의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석
연세대학교 원주기독병원1, 제주한라병원2
김수진1, 강태욱1, 장기돈1, 정현철1, 송재만2, 김광진1, 정재흥1
Introduction: the use of alpha-blockers in clinical practice to treat bothersome LUTS in women is based on these limited studies, some anecdotal case reports as well as local experience. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the alpha-blocker on the symptoms in female patients.
Methods: we conducted systematic review and meta-analysis on published a-priori protocols. We searched multiple data sources for published and unpublished randomized controlled trials in any language. Review outcomes includeded urologic symptom scores, quality of life and overall adverse events. We performed meta-analysis using RevMan 5.3 and rated the certainty of evidence (CoE) using GRADE.
Results: of 1406 studies identified through our search, we included 12 studies (alpha blockers vs placebo: 5 studies, combination with alpha-blockers and other treatments vs other treatments: 7 studies). Based on 4 studies comparing alpha-blockers and placebo, comprising 456 randomized participants, we are uncertain about the effects of alpha-blockers on urologic symptom scores based on IPSS (mean difference (MD): -1.13, 95% confidence interval (CI): -3.10 to 0.85; very low CoE), quality of life (MD: -0.48, 95% CI: -1.20 to 0.24; ; very low CoE), and overall adverse events (risk ratio (RR): 1.09, 95% CI: 0.55 to 2.15; ; very low CoE). Based on 1 studies comparing combination therapy with alpha-blocker and anticholinergic and anticholinergic alone, comprising 144 randomized participants, we are uncertain about the effects of alpha-blocker on urologic symptom scores based on IPSS (MD: 0.30, 95% CI: -2.80 to 3.40; very low CoE) and quality of life (MD: 0.00, 95% CI: -0.56 to 0.56; ; very low CoE). There were no overall adverse events reported in the study. Based on 1 studies comparing combination therapy with alpha-blocker and cholinergic and cholinergic alone, comprising 81 randomized participants, we are uncertain about the effects of alpha-blocker on urologic symptom scores based on IPSS (MD: -3.06, 95% CI: -7.20 to 1.08; very low CoE). There were no quality of life and overall adverse events reported in the study.
Conclusions: alpha-blockers appear to have little to no effects on urologic symptom scores, quality of life, and overall adverse events compared to placebo and other treatments, but we are uncertain.
keywords : women, alpha-blocker, lower urinary tract symptoms
