Cancer - Kidney(구연) Oral Session 7 / Cancer - Kidney (Ⅰ) (O-069)
10월 30일(수) 16:00-17:00
새로운 SP시스템을 이용한 진정한 단일공 부분신절제술: 술기의 안전성 확인 및 Xi 단일공 시스템과의 비교
¹연세의대 신촌세브란스병원, ²국민건강보험공단 일산병원
나준채¹, 이돈구¹, 하지수¹, 오경택¹, 이종수¹, 이형호², 나군호¹, 한웅규¹
Introduction and Objective: Robotic laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) partial nephrectomy is not widely used because of its limitations, and true single-site surgery has not previously been possible. To investigate the feasibility of partial nephrectomy using the novel SP surgical system, compare perioperative outcomes using this system and the previous Xi single-site platform.
Methods: Retrospective chart review of patients undergoing robotic partial nephrectomy by a single surgeon using the SP surgical system or Xi single-site platform from December 14, 2016 to June 24, 2019. For the SP system, a GelPOINT access platform was placed through a single periumbilical incision. A 25-mm multichannel robotic port and assistant’s ports were placed in the GelSeal cap. No additional incisions were required for the assistant or liver traction. The primary outcomes were intraoperative and postoperative complications.
Results: Fourteen patients underwent single-site partial nephrectomy with the SP surgical system (n=9) or Xi single-site platform (n=5). No limitations were noted for accessing tumors in the upper aspect of the kidney using the SP system. One case of tumor fracture occurred with the SP system, and one case of conversion to multiport robotic surgery occurred with the Xi single-site platform. Only Clavien-Dindo 1 post-operative complications occurred in all patients.
Conclusions: True single-site partial nephrectomy was performed safely with the SP surgical system. The SP system resolved many limitations associate with LESS and the Xi single-site platform.
keywords : Robotic partial nephrectomy, single site surgery, SP system
