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해외학회 참가지원 뉴스 & 소식

"UAA Youth Section Fellowships 2018" 공모

학회 1209 2017-11-21

The UAA Youth Section would like to invite your Association to nominate Three (3) eligible applicants  (Qualified Urologist, within 10 Years of receiving their urology degree) for the UAA-Young Urologist Fellowship Program  to be held in conjunction with the 16th UAA Congress, Kyoto, Japan from 17th to 21st April 2018.  The date of the UAA Young Urologists Fellowship Program is tentatively on 18th & 19th April 2018 afternoons (subject to confirmation).  Airfare and hotel accommodation is on personal account.
The award for the successful applicants is 
1.       Discounted registration fees for the UAA Congress 2018 (Yen 6000 only)
2.       One year membership of the European Association of Urology (EAU) with its attendance benefits of
2a. Discounted registration for the EAU Congress
2b. Subscription to the European Urology Journal and all educational resources of EAU
Please see the following attachments
•         Eligibility
•         Obligations
•         Selection Process
•         Registration Form (to be submitted in Word Format only) with a coloured passport size photograph
•         500 word essay (mandatory requirement)
•         UAA Individual Membership Application Form 
We would like to reiterate that all applications must be endorsed and send in via the National Associations either by the President or Secretary.  UAA will not process direct applications from applicants.  Incomplete application will not be considered. 


 대한비뇨기과학회에서는 젊은 의사들의 참가를 격려하기 위하여 UAA 의하여 프로그램에 선발이 경우, UAA 지원 내역과는 별개로 100만원을 지원할 예정입니다.

(개인카드 사용에 의한 실비정산이며, 제약협회 후원, 병원자체후원과는 중복될 없습니다.)

신청기한은 2017 12 20일까지 입니다서류제출은 gykim@urology.or.kr 첨부하여 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.

Thank you