Basic Research - Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction(구연) (E-022)

당뇨성 발기부전의 진단 표적 발굴을 위한 마우스 음경내피세포의 유전자 발현 분석
인하대학교 의과대학 비뇨의학교실, 인하대병원 성의학특성화센터
윤국남¹, 옥지연¹, 최민지¹, 아니타¹, 콜란¹, 권미혜¹, 서준규¹, 류지간¹
Purpose: To investigate the potential target genes associated with the diabetic condition in mouse cavernous endothelial cells (MCECs) for diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment.
Materials and Methods: Mouse cavernous tissue was embedded into Matrigel, and sprouted cells were subcultivated for other studies. To mimic diabetic conditions, MCECs were exposed to normal-glucose (NG, 5 mmoL) and high-glucose (HG, 30 mmoL) conditions for 72 h. The RNA-sequencing assay was performed to evaluate gene expression profiling, and RT-PCR was used for sequencing data validation.
Results: We isolated the MCECs exposed to glucose conditions. MCECs showed well-organized tubes and dynamic migration in NG condition, whereas there was significantly decreased tube formation and migration in HG condition. The RNA-sequencing analysis showed that MCECs in NG and HG conditions had different gene profiles. From among all significantly changed genes classified into 14 major gene categories, we identified that aging-related (9.22%) and angiogenesis-related (9.06%) genes were changed the most. Thirteen genes from the two gene categories were found to show consistent changes in RNA-sequencing assay, which was validated by RT-PCR.
Conclusions: Our gene expression profiling studies showed Cyp1a1, Gclm, Igfbp5, Nqo1, Il6, Cxcl5, Olr1, Ctgf, Hbegf, Serpine1, Cyr61, Angptl4, and Loxl2 may play a critical role in diabetes-induced ED through aging and angiogenesis signaling, and additional research is necessary to help us for understanding potential mechanisms and molecular study in diabetes-induced ED.

keywords : Corpus cavernosum; Diabetes mellitus; Erectile dysfunction; Gene expression; RNA-sequencing assay