Cancer - Prostate(구연) (E-147)

한국에서 75세 이상 전립선암 환자를 진단한 후 1년 이내의 치료 패턴의 상태
¹경북대학교병원 비뇨의학과
²동국대학교 경주병원 비뇨의학과
³경북대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실
⁴칠곡경북대학교병원 비뇨의학과
박경민¹,민경찬¹, 강재훈¹, 박동진², 최석환¹·³, 김현태¹·³, 권태균³·⁴, 하윤석³·⁴
We aimed to evaluate this issue which the current status of first treatment option for prostate cancer in patients over 75 years of old age in Korea.
Materials and methods
The study included 360 patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven prostate cancer at a single institution from January 2009 to December 2018. Patients’ criteria included those who were aged 75 years or older when diagnosed, underwent prostate biopsy more than 12 cores, and were followed up for more than 1 year.
During the period, patients underwent biopsied were 7367 and 2219 (30.1%) were diagnosed with prostate cancer. And among them, the proportion of patients over 75 years old was 1182, and the number of patients diagnosed with cancer was 360 (30.5%). The primary treatment of prostate cancer patients who were over 75 years old contained androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) (n = 312), radical prostatectomy (RP) (n = 34), and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) (n = 14). Among RP patients, 7 patients were received ADT before RP. RP group was younger, had better ECOG PS, lower initial PSA, Gleason score, max percent of the positive core, number of positive cores, and less advanced clinical TNM stage than ADT group. In multivariate analysis for RP, age and ECOG PS was an independent prognostic factor for RP. When the ADT group was classified by therapeutic regimens, the most common therapeutic regimen was maximal androgen blockade (MAB) (n = 274). Among MAB regimens, leuprolide + bicalutamide (n = 187) was the most common regimen. All patients receiving secondary treatment received ADT in the first treatment, and chemotherapy was the most selected in the secondary treatment. Also enzalutamide was the most preferred treatment for the tertiary treatment. In addition, most of them had a Gleason score of 8 or higher, and the clinical stage had a large T3N1M1 group. In multivariate analysis for secondary and tertiary treatment, age and Gleason score were the independent predictive factors.
In prostate cancer patients over 75 years old, the most used treatment option was MAB. Among MAB regimens, leuprolide, bicalutamide was most used. ECOG PS and age may be useful indicators for surgical treatment choice. Patients with younger age and high Gleason score were more likely to receive secondary and tertiary treatment.
keywords : Prostate cancer, treatment, old age