Basic Research - Neurourology & LUTS/BPH & Others(구연) (E-032)

발전된 조직 투명화 영상기법을 이용한 인간 사체 신장의 생리학적 혈관 구조 관찰
경북대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실1, 해부학교실2
권순오1, 정재욱1, 하윤석1, 이준녕1, 김범수1, 김현태1, 김태환1, 유은상1, 권태균1, 오지원2, 최석환1
Introduction: Because of the technical limitation of current histochemistry, there has been a limitation of deep imaging into a tissue. Since last decade, there has been a great progress of tissue clearing methods which could make large biological samples transparent and allow unprecedented three-dimensional views of variety of tissues. However, the three-dimensional view of vasculature systems of human kidney is largely unexplored. Here, we investigated the structure of vascular system in cadaveric kidney using tissue clearing methods.

Methods: The organs were cleared by using the Binaree Tissue Clearing Starter’s kit. More than thousands of still shot pictures of vasculature system of human kidney were taken under light-sheet fluorescent microscope, requiring three-dimensional reconstruction using computational biology. Reconstructed images gave us the detailed topological information of interconnectional status of vasculature of the glomerulus. 3D reconstruction of images was done by Imaris 9.3 image analysis software.

Results: It took 8 days for getting the full transparent kidney histologic tissue from the cadeveric sample. Images of organs prepared by tissue clearing methods and 3D reconstruction are shown in figures. These images gave us the detailed topological information of interconnectional status of vasculature. These kind of topological information of 3D vasculature in human kidney were never been introduced until this study.

Conclusions: Tissue clearing methods with reconstructed three-dimensional images can be used for quantification of the interconnected status of kidney vasculature as well as spatial insight for the physiological conditions. Furthermore, combined with immune-histochemistry antibody reaction within tissue clearing methods, it can give us topological information of specific cellular populations in the context of human kidney vascular system.
keywords : Tissue clearing technique, kidney, vascular structure