Cancer - Bladder, Pelvis, Ureter & Others(구연) (E-065)

로봇 보조 근치적 방광 절제술 및 체내 인조 방광 형성술과 개복 근치적 방광 절제술 및 인조 방광 형성술의 입원경과와 수술 후 90일간 합병증 발생률의 비교
서울대학교 의과대학 비뇨의학교실
정규환, 유상현, 윤현식, 박대형, 서준교, 윤지환, 육형동, 정창욱, 곽철, 김현회, 구자현
Purpose: We aim to compare hospital courses and post-operative complications between robot assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with intracorporeal neobladder and open radical cystectomy (ORC) with neobladder.

Materials and Methods: We analyzed 50 patients with robotic surgery and 116 patients with open surgery, from October 2016 to December 2019. All surgery was performed by single surgeon in Seoul National University Hospital. All data was extracted from Seoul National University Prospectively Enrolled Registry for Urothelial Carcinoma – Cystectomy (SUPER-UC-Cx). We compared pre-operative characteristics, peri-operative complications and hospital courses, 90 days complications. For 90 days complications, we applied Clavien-Dindo classification, and grade 3 or more defined high grade complication.

Results: Mean age was 61.0 in RARC group and 67.0 in ORC group (p=0.004). There was no other significant difference in pre-operative characteristics. The RARC was associated with longer operation time (322.6 vs 240.0 minutes, P< 0.001), less estimated blood loss (645.5 : 873.0cc, p=0.040), lower rate of transfusion (14.0% : 33.6%, p=0.010). There was no other significant difference in other peri-operative and hospital courses. For complications, 90 days complication rate was higher in ORC group, but it was not statistically significant (open 75.0%, robotic 62.0%, p = 0.090). For complications with Clavien-Dindo classification grade 3 or more, rate was higher in robot group but it was not statistically significant (open 25.9%, robotic 36.6%, p=0.186).

Conclusions: RALC with intracorporeal neobladder was not inferior to ORC with neobladder. RALC with intracorporeal neobladder has perioperative benefits of lower estimated blood loss and transfusion when compared with open radical cystectomy.
keywords : Intracorporeal neobladder, Robot assisted radical cystectomy, Open radical cystectomy