Cancer - Bladder, Pelvis, Ureter & Others(비디오) (V-012)

로봇 보조 복강경 방광적출술 및 체내 변형 하우트만 방광대치술
서울대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실
박대형, 유상현, 윤현식, 정규환, 이수빈, 서준교, 육형동, 정창욱, 곽 철, 김현회, 구자현
Continent cutaneous urinary diversion provides an alternative to orthotopic neobladder for patients undergoing cystectomy. In this case, we present a novel surgical technique for bladder cancer.

Materials and Method:
A 49 years old man visited for known bladder cancer. He underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy and modified Hautmann neobladder.
We fixed both chimneys to each psoas muscle before performing ureteroileal anastomosis.
By this, We didn’t need to tunnel the left ureter through the sigmoid mesentery toward the right ureter.

Operation time was 290 minutes and the estimated blood loss was 280 mL.
Chimneys were not twisted, and there were no complications such as stricture, even without indwelling ureteral stenting.

It is safe to fix both chimleys to the psoas muscle prior to ureteroileal anastomosis in orthostatic neobladder surgery.
keywords : radical cystectomy, neobladder