Sponsored Symposium

Thursday 31 October

Satellite Symposium Ⅰ (Sponsor : Astellas) Grand Ballroom (102+103)
좌장 : 곽철
12:00-13:00 Xtandi as optimal treatment for chemo-naïve mCRPC patients Antonio Alcaraz (University of Barcelona)
Satellite Symposium II (Sponsor : GSK) Asem Ballroom 202
좌장: 손환철 (서울의대)
12:00-13:00 The Use of 5ARI in the Management of BPH in Korea in 2019, and beyond 김선일 (아주의대)
Satellite Symposium Ⅲ (Sponsor : Olympus) Asem Ballroom 203
좌장: 이상철 (충북의대)
12:00-13:00 How to maximize surgical outcomes for RIRS 김범수 (경북의대)

Friday 01 November

Satellite Symposium IV (Sponsor : Hanmi) Grand Ballroom (102+103)
좌장: 이영구 (한림의대)
12:00-13:00 Treatment dose of tamsulosin in LUTS/BPH; Unmet needs and real world experience for tamsulosin 0.4mg 배웅진 (가톨릭의대)
Satellite Symposium V (Sponsor : MSD KOREA) Asem Ballroom (203)
좌장: 송채린 (울산의대)
12:00-13:00 Pembrolizumab+axitinib: Unprecedented overall survival for patient with mRCC 황의창 (전남의대)

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