공지 · 뉴스소식 · 학술행사


해외학회 참가지원 뉴스 & 소식

2018 UAA 등록 할인 프로모션 코드안내

학회 1017 2018-01-08


Below is the link to the registration website.



Please circulate this important  information to members of your Association. 


Special Information for UAA Individual Member

UAA Individual Member will enjoy a special rate to attend the 16th UAA Congress.  There is a special column for UAA Individual Members to register.  UAA Individual Members will be required to


  1. 1.   Fill in the UAA Special Code uaa_kyoto2018 (mandatory)
  2. 2.   Fill in the UAA Individual Membership Number (mandatory)

*** Members can write to me directly at angie.see.b.g@sgh.com.sg  to enquire on their Membership Number .